React-qill is a great free package which can be used for design editors. However, if you are using the image upload feature, there is a problem of integrating resize package. This was discussed in may treads and I was able to find the best approach integrate it with react-starter-app. If you use the following code, import Quill from ' quill ' ; import { ImageResize } from ' quill-image-resize-module ' ; Quill . register ( ' modules/imageResize ' , ImageResize); const quill = new Quill (editor, { // ... modules : { // ... imageResize : { // See optional "config" below } } }); The following error is common. TypeError: Cannot read property 'imports' of undefined var d = window.Quill.imports.parchment In order to overcome the issue , you have to update the node_modules/react-scripts/config/webpack.config....
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