
Showing posts with the label Permission denied.

Firebase Storage Make only Selected Basket (Folder) Public

 One of the big issue I face with google cloud storage is when I go to build a site which has public as well as private sections. Defult rule  as follows make the whole basket open to read which is not necessary.  match /{allPaths=**} {       allow read;       allow write: if request.auth != null;     } If you make a basket (generated)  base rule and try to access the file without token like below , it will gives permission issue .<project id>*400.png?alt=media&token= {   "error": {     "code": 403,     "message": "Permission denied. Could not perform this operation"   } } The issue have to resolve in google cloud storate admin by giving access to perticular basket. Ref : Go to following URL :

Firebase Storage ApiError: Forbidden #299 ... ApiError: Forbidden at new util

When, I want to utise firebstore for the frist time in the google cloud functions,  the main problem I had to face it the integration issue raise as follows.  The google firebase and the google cloud storage eveloved seperately and in order to use the clould storage in firebase functions, the special autherntication need to be grantted even you are using firebase admin sdk. ApiError: Forbidden at new util.ApiError (/user_code/node_modules/@google-cloud/storage/node_modules/@google-cloud/common/src/util.js:107:10) at Object.parseHttpRespMessage (/user_code/node_modules/@google-cloud/storage/node_modules/@google-cloud/common/src/util.js:149:33) I implemeted the firebase admin sdk as follows. const firebaseAdmin = require("firebase-admin"); firebaseAdmin.initializeApp(functions.config().firebase); And firebase cloud bucket implemented  as follows . const storageRoot = Google document also indicate authentication req