
Showing posts with the label php 7

Migrate to php7 in Mac os Sierra with Apache Configurations

Mac os Sierra defult comes with Apache as well as php 5.. Fi you want to start apache with defult settings The following articles gives short as well as comprehesive guideline. However , I wanted to setup firebase integration with laravel and it requires php 7. ( kreait/firebase-php ^ 4.0 ) You can eassy install php 7 using homebrew. brew tap homebrew/dupes brew tap homebrew/versions brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php brew unlink php56 brew install php70 Thin you can check the version as follows . $ php --version But if you have enabled defult php in Mac Os , you will see  it will return 5.6 In order to chanage this you have to edit the httpd.conf file of apache.  Stop apache -    sudo apachectl stop move to etc/ apache2. -    cd /etc/apache2 backup httpd.conf.   - sudo cp httpd.conf