
Showing posts with the label return best way to Return Multiple Values from a Function

From .NET Framework 4 Tuple class has been introduce to create combination of heterogeneous objects .Its can used to group different types of items (objects ) and indicate this group as single object. Tuple is a class and once you create the Tuple, you cannot change the types of the items or the values assigned in the creation. This makes the Tuple more like a struct. However this enable much safe way to return distinct number of    multiple elements to be returned for a function . Example function(return Boolean and string ) public class Class1     {  public static Tuple<Boolean, String> ExampleFunction(string parameterVal)         {   Boolean retunValue1= false;  string retunValue2 = ""; .......  return Tuple.Create(retunValue1, retunValue2 ); } } Calling Function and Retrieve return Values   var retTuple = Class1.ExampleFunction(parameterVal);           Boolean retriveValue1  =      retTuple.Item1;          String      retriveValue2  =