
Showing posts with the label Docker

Docker Dev Environment with Nodemon and Mongo DB

1 Install Docker  Community ediction and Composer 2 . Sampe application resides in server folder which have the package.json file ensure package.json  has script.  "start": "nodemon -L index.js" ensure nodemon.json exhist 3. touch Dockerfile. FROM node:8.1.0-alpine RUN mkdir /server RUN npm install nodemon -g ADD ./server /server WORKDIR /server RUN npm install #ADD server/nodemon.json /server/nodemon.json EXPOSE 3000 CMD npm start 5. docker-compose build 6.touch docker-compose.yml version: '2' services:   web:     build: .     volumes:     - "./server:/server"     ports:       - "3000:3000"     links:       - mongo   mongo:     image: mongo:3.4.4     container_name: mongo     ports:       - "27017:27017" 7.docker-compse up. application runs in localhost port 3000