
Showing posts with the label RadioButton

Create Radio Button Group - PHP

In here you can crate a radio button  group dynamically. I have used the Array List Object which has the ID and FULL_NAME columan. <?php $i=0; foreach ($this->approverList as $key => $category) { if($i==0){ echo("<input type='radio'  . name='Group' value='" . $category->ID . "' checked>" . $category->FULL_NAME . " <br>"); }else{ echo("<input type='radio'  name='Group' value='" . $category->ID . "'>" . $category->FULL_NAME . " <br>"); } $i++; } ?> In order to set the Checked value dynamically .Use the following method. <input disabled type="radio" name="carrytype"  value="EMPLOYEE" <?php echo ([DBValue From Object]=='EMPLOYEE' ? 'checked' : '');?> > Employee