
Showing posts from March, 2017

Apache enable MOD_REWRITE for PHP Rest API

Hi Im woarking with follwing expample which illustrate how to create REST Api form genic PHP However I  need to set MOD_REWRITE for the API folder in Wamp and Follwing steps need to follow to achive it . 1.Go to apache  http.conf in WAMP apache folder ,and open it 2. Make a backup of http.conf   3.  Find the line #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ and uncomment it by removing hash. 4.ADD the rule as below for the APi folder . in my case its MI_API (there will be block like below mapped to WAP ,www folder ,you can edit it as nesosary) <directory C:/wamp/www> Options All   AllowOverride All </directory> Thanks  for :

Oracle Varchar2 DateTime Experassions - yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS

There is a verchar2 Date Time Filed  in the table which now need to get Results with the given rnage eg : up to 3 days of the past from today. Eg Field DONE_TIME SELECT  * substr(DONE_TIME,0,19) FROM EG_TABLE Convert to date : SELECT  *  TO_DATE(substr(DONE_TIME,0,19),'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS') FROM EG_TABLE Reduce From the System Time : SELECT  *  (systimestamp-TO_DATE(substr(substr(DONE_TIME,0,19),0,19), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS')) FROM EG_TABLE RANGE Comparison  : WHERE trunc(to_number(substr((systimestamp-TO_DATE(substr(substr(DONE_TIME,0,19),0,19), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS')),1,instr(systimestamp-TO_DATE(substr(substr(DONE_TIME,0,19),0,19), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS'),' '))))>3

jQuery Ajaz to check if returned data object is empty

In one of my jQuery Ajax Request ,I need to check wehter quary  return  empty results. $ . post ( "php/socialbookmark-post.php" , { bookmarkID : $ ( this ). val ()}, function ( data ) { if ( data != "" ) alert ( data ); });   data !== 'undefined' && data !== '' not worked Properly and Stack OverFlow also not given good answer. I observed, If empty data set  returned , the full block will not executed. But refffering to jQuery I able to come up with solid answer. By defult we inherit the sucess method (done ) and if empty data set returned it will go (fail).     $.post("./testURL" function (o) {                                       //alert(o.length);                                          if (o.ERROR == null) {                    

Preview Saved HTML in Bootstrap Model Dialog

I had to create a Bootstap model Dialog using HTML Content Saved in the Oracle Database LONG column, Its easy . I will keep the HTML in the a div which is hidden and take the contnet to the model HTML when user prometed. HTML- Dynamic Table Rows <div style="display: none" id="preview_<?php echo $row['TB_ID'] ?>" > <?php echo $row['TB_HTML'] ?> </div>  Model Dialog HTML - End of the Page <div class="modal fade" id="myModal" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</ button> <h4 class="modal-title">Detail</h4> </div> <div class="modal-bo

Great Menu Wokrs fine to me

A horizontal slide out menu with a grid-like thumbnail layout for the submenu. With media query examples for smaller devices. however you have to remember to load the jqvqcript after HTML renadred ,,in the End of the File. ................ </div> < script > var menu = new cbpHorizontalSlideOutMenu ( document . getElementById ( 'cbp-hsmenu-wrapper' ) ); </ script >