Heroku Django manage.py makemigrations - Error settings.DATABASES Please supply the ENGINE value
Hi ,While I'm dying hard for the make the migration done with heroku ,,, the following command always lead to the above error .
$ python manage.py makemigrations
"raise ImproperlyConfigured("settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. "
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: settings.DATABASES is improperly co
nfigured. Please supply the ENGINE value. Check settings documentation for more
However it Takes me lot of time to understand I'm using wrong command in heroku environment .Thanks for the below post ,Save a lot of time
Correct Command :
$ heroku run python manage.py makemigrations panhidhaapp
$ python manage.py makemigrations
"raise ImproperlyConfigured("settings.DATABASES is improperly configured. "
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: settings.DATABASES is improperly co
nfigured. Please supply the ENGINE value. Check settings documentation for more
However it Takes me lot of time to understand I'm using wrong command in heroku environment .Thanks for the below post ,Save a lot of time
Correct Command :
$ heroku run python manage.py makemigrations panhidhaapp
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