python.exe: Resolve "command not found"

Recently when I was working on hosting Django site in Windows 7 machine I came up through the following error (python command not found)

$ c:\Python27\python.exe startproject myproject .
sh.exe": c:Python27python.exe: command not found

Frist I discovered it is because of not having back -slash  and I added (\\)

 $ c:\\Python27\\python.exe startproject myproject .
c:\Python27\python.exe: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such fil
e or directory

In this way you can invoke phthon.exe without adding it to environmental variables by giving absolute location. (c:\Python27\python.exe) However another error still persisting "can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such fil
e or directory".

Since django is located in the site packages it also required to give the absolute parth. In my case it is

So that below will be work fine and you can come up with expected outcome.

$ c:\\Python27\\python.exe C:\\Python27\\Lib\\site-packages\\django\\bin\\djang startproject myproject.


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